侯利阳 教授
发表时间:2013-07-30 阅读次数:4183次

侯利阳,河南荥阳人,现任上海交通大学凯原法学院教授、博导、院长助理、上海市曙光学者、上海交通大学晨星教授。主要研究领域为竞争法、电信法、互联网规制、欧盟法、法经济学等。2011年毕业于比利时鲁汶大学法学院,获法学博士学位。2007年至2011年任比利时鲁汶大学法学院助理研究员。自2011年起在上海交通大学凯原法学院工作,先后担任副教授(破格)、博导(破格)、教授(破格)、欧盟法中心主任、科斯法经济学中心主任、竞争法律与政策研究中心副主任。兼任SSCI期刊Computer Law & Security Review编委、中国反垄断案例全英文数据库(荷兰威科出版社)主编、Asian Competition Law Review联席主编、中国经济法学研究会理事、上海市竞争法研究会常务理事、Academic Society of Competition Law理事、 Pacific Telecom Council理事等。

已在《中国法学》、Common Market Law Review等国内外权威期刊发表论文五十余篇;出版专著两部、参著十部。代表作有专著Competition Law and Regulation in the EU Electronic Communications Sector(荷兰威科出版社),论文Reshaping Market,Competition and Regulation in EU Utility Liberalization、《市场与政府关系的法学解构》等。学术成果多次被中英文刊物转载。主持国家社科项目、教育部哲社项目、欧盟委员会招标项目等国内外纵横向课题二十余项。多次参与我国反垄断法执法细则制定、欧盟电信法修订等立法活动。主持上海市教委全英文示范课程Chinese Competition Law。










             院长助理(分管外事),2016 -

             教授(破格),2015 -

             博士生导师(破格),2014 -

             竞争法律与政策中心副主任,2014 -

             院长助理(分管科研),2013 - 2015

             欧盟法中心执行主任,2012 -

             副教授(破格),2011 - 2015


             助理研究员,2007 - 2011



    Computer Law & Security Review(SSCI期刊)编委


    Asian Competition Law Review联席主编






    Academic Society of Competition Law理事

    Pacific Telecom Council 理事

    Asian Competition Forum理事


Liyang Hou (1979) is currently Professor of Competition Law, Assistant Dean of International Programs, Director of the Center for European Law, Director of the Center for Law and Economics, and Deputy Director of the Center for Competition Law and Policy at KoGuan Law School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Shanghai).  In 2007-2011 he worked as an assistant researcher at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Law and ICT (ICRI) of Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium). He started his professorship at KoGuan in 2011. He is Editor in Chief of Chinese Antitrust Cases Database (with Kluwer), a member of Editorial Board of Computer Law & Security Review, and Executive Editor in Chief of Competition Law and Policy Review (in Chinese). Liyang is also a fellow in Academic Society for Competition Law, Pacific Telecommunications Council, Asian Competition Forum, Shanghai Competition Law Association, and China Economic Law Association. He has published about 10 books and more than 50 academic articles in internationally renowned journals. His representative work includes Competition Law and Regulation in the EU Electronic Communications Sector (Kluwer, 2012), "Reshaping Market, Competition and Regulation in EU Utility Liberalization" (CMLR, 2015), and "Can Open Internet Access be Imposed upon European CATV Networks?" (TelePo, 2013). His research covers a variety of domains, including competition law, telecom regulation, innovation, economic analysis of law and comparative law. 



    Doctor of Law (no grading system for this degree), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 2011

    LLM (magna cum laude,first in class) , Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 2007

    Master of Law (distinction) , China University of Political Science and Law, 2004

    Bachelor of Law (distinction) , Beijing Institute of Technology,2001



    KoGuan Law School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

            Assistant Dean of International Relations, 2016 -

            Full Professor, 2015 -

            Deputy Director, Center for Competition Law and Policy, 2014 -

            Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs,2013 - 2015

            Executive Director, Center for European Law, 2012 -

            Associate Professor, 2011 - 2015

    Faculty of Law,Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

            Assistant Researcher, Interdisciplinary Centre for Law and ICT, 2007 - 2011

    Email: liyang.hou@sjtu.edu.cn

    Scopus: scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55794302300

    SSRN: papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm


主要学术论文(Journal Articles)

  1. 侯利阳:《数字人民币的竞争减损与规制补充》,《南大法学》2021年第1期(被人大报刊复印资料《经济法学、劳动法学》2021年第6期全文转载);

  2. 侯利阳:《轴辐协议的违法性辨析》,《中外法学》2019年第6期(被人大报刊复印资料《经济法学、劳动法学》2020年第5期全文转载);

  3. Hou (2019), “Superior bargaining power: the good, the bad and the ugly”, Asian Pacific Law Review 27(1), 39-61;

  4. Li & Hou (2019), “A reflection on the taxi reform in China: Innovation vs. Tradition”, Computer Law and Security Review 35(3), pp.251-262;

  5. 侯利阳:《市场与政府关系的法学解构》,《中国法学》2019年第1期;

  6. 侯利阳:《大历史视角下的反垄断法与本土化移植》,《交大法学》2018年第4期;

  7. Hou (2018), “Destructive Sharing Economy - A passage from status to contract”, Computer Law and Security Review 34(5), pp.965-976;

  8. 侯利阳:《共同市场支配地位法律分析框架的建构》,《法学》2018年第1期(被人大报刊复印资料《经济法学、劳动法学》2018年第6期全文转载);

  9. Hou (2017), "Impact of Innovation on Competition Law: From the perspective of ad-blocking applications", Computer Law & Security Review 33(5), 635-646;

  10. 侯利阳:《转售价格维持的本土化探析:理论冲突、执法异化与路径选择》,《法学家》2016年第6期;

  11. 侯利阳:《垄断行为类型化中的跨界行为》,《中外法学》2016年第4期(被人大报刊复印资料《经济法学、劳动法学》2017年第2期全文转载);

  12. 侯利阳:《产业政策何以向竞争政策转变——欧盟的经验与上海的现实》,《上海交通大学学报(社科版)》2016年第1期(被人大报刊复印资料《产业经济》2016年第4期全文转载);

  13.  Hou (2015), "Reshaping Market, Competition and Regulation in EU Utility Liberalization: A Perspective From Telecom", Common Market Law Review 52(4), 977-1007;

  14. Hou (2015), "When Competition Law Meets Telecom Regulation: The Chinese Context",Computer Law & Security Review 31(5), 689-700;

  15. Hou (2014), "A Review of Telecom Markets in the EU: What Did the European Commission Learn or Not from the Past?", Computer Law & Security Review 30(6), 710-719;

  16. Hou (2014), "The Abusive Nature of Price Squeeze in the EU", IIC 45(1), 43-74;

  17. Emch and Hou (2014), “Antitrust Regulation of IPRs–China's First Proposal”, Competition Policy International, summer issue;

  18. 侯利阳、李剑(2014):《免费模式下的互联网产业相关产品市场界定》,《现代法学》2014年第6期(被人大报刊复印资料《经济法学、劳动法学》2015年第4期全文转载);

  19. Hou, Valcke and Stevens (2013), "Can Open Internet Access be Imposed upon European CATV Networks?", Telecommunications Policy 37(10) , 970-980;

  20. 侯利阳(2013):《《反垄断法》不能承受之重:我国反垄断执法五周年回顾与展望》,《交大法学》2013年第2期;

  21. Hou (2012), "The Essential Facilities Doctrine – What was Wrong in Microsoft?", IIC 43(4), 251-271;

  22. Hou (2011), "Excessive Prices within EU Competition Law", European Competition Journal 7(1), 47-70; reprinted in Rosa Greaves (ed.) (2012),Dominance and Monopolization (Volume II) (Ashgate, the UK) , 333-356;

  23. Hou (2011), "Some Aspects of Price Squeeze within the EU: a case-law analysis", European Competition Law Review 32(5), 250-257;

  24. Hou (2010), "Sub-national Geographic Markets within the Electronic Communications Sector", World Competition 33(3), 437-456;

  25. Hou (2009), "Collective Dominance within the Context of EU Electronic Communications Regulation", Competition and Regulation in Network Industries 10(3), 279-303;

  26. Hou (2008), "The Assessment of Single SMP: Lessons Learned from the First Round of Market Review", Competition and Regulation in Network Industries 9(1), 49-75.



  1. 侯利阳:《市场地位的反垄断剖析》,中国书籍出版社2019年版;

  2. 沈伟、侯利阳(主编):《多元化社会的风险治理:交叉视角研究》,上海三联书店出版社2018年版;

  3. Hou (2012), Competition Law and Regulation in the EU Electronic Communications Sector: A comparative legal approach, Kluwer Law International: The Netherlands (ISBN: 9041140476), 456 pp.


主要著作章节 (Book Chapters)

  1. Hou & Tian (2019), “IPR Protection and Antitrust Regulation of SEPs in China”, in Kung-Chung Liu & Reto M. Hilty (eds.), SEPs, SSOs and FRAND: Asian and Global Perspectives on Fostering Innovation in Interconnectivity, Routledge, Chapter 11;

  2. Hou (2019), “Regulating the Sharing Economy in China: A National Report”, in Bram Devolder (ed.), The Platform Economy: Unravelling the Legal Status of Online Intermediaries, Intersentia; Cambridge – Antwerp – Chicago, pp. 125-139;

  3. Hou(2017), "Competition Assessment of IPRs in China’s Merger Control", in Blair and Sokol (edt.), The Cambridge Handbook of Antitrust, Intellectual Property, and High Tech, Cambridge University Press, pp.467-487;

  4. 侯利阳(2013):《营利性和公益性的平衡:国有企业和企业国有资产法研究》,载王先林(主编)《经济法学专题研究》,法律出版社2013年版;

  5. 侯利阳(2013):《国有资产法》,载王先林(主编)《经济法教程》,上海交通大学出版社2013年版;

  6. Queck, De Streel, Hou, Jost, and Kosta (2010), “The EU Regulatory Framework Applicable to Electronic Communications”. In L. Gazaniti & M. O’Regan (edt), Telecommunications,Broadcasting and the Internet: EU Competition Law and Regulation (3rd Revised edition),(London, Sweet & Maxwell), 3-262;

  7. Hou (2009), “Uncovering the Veil of Article 86(2) EC”, In P. S. V. Kumar (edt),Proportionality and Federalism: State Reflections (Hyderabad, India, Icfai University Press), 53-72.

  8. Valcke, Hou, Stevens, and Kosta (2009), “Legal Analysis of Network Neutrality under EU Competition Rules and the Regulatory Framework for Electronic Communications”, In G. Chandana (edt), Network Neutrality - Legal Contours (India, ICFAI University Press), 250-276.

  9. Hou and Parrilli (2008), “European SME Clusters Under the Perspective of Taxation and Competition”, in S. Kierkegaard (edt), The Dynamics of Trade: Law and Economics (Prague, IAITL), 399-409.


主要课题 (Research Projects)



上海市法学会课题,”上海加快实施创新驱动发展战略的竞争政策研究”,课题负责人,2016 - 2017(已结项);

教育部哲社重大攻关项目,”经济全球化背景下中国反垄断战略研究”(项目编号:15JZD018),子课题负责人,2015 - 2019(已结项);

上海市物价局课题,”电信垄断问题研究”,主持人,2014 - 2015(已结项);

国家社科基金项目,”‘三网融合’背景下电信监管法律制度研究”(项目编号:14CFX064),主持人,2014 -2019(已结项);

Wolter Kluwer Project, "Chinese Antitrust Case Database", Editors in Chief, 02/2014 - now;

澳门政府重大项目,”一中心、一平台背景下澳门法治建设与发展研究”,子课题负责人及统稿人,2012 - 2015(已结项);

EU Commission Project, "Future Electronic Communications Markets Subject to Ex-ante Regulation" (Nr. SMART 2012/0007), Principal Investigator in the legal analysis, 01/2013 - 10/2013 (Completed);

上海交通大学文科科研创新计划特色项目,”中欧经营者集中之比较研究:以案例法为视角”,主持人,2012 - 2014(已结项);

教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目,”共同市场支配地位的认定:中欧反垄断法之比较研究”(项目编号:12YJC820037),主持人,2012 - 2017(已结项);

Flemish Government Project, "Techno-Economic Research for futuRe Access Infrastructure Networks", Corresponding Researcher, 10/2010-12/2011 (Completed);

Flemish Government Project, "End to End Quality of Experience" (Network Neutrality), Corresponding Researcher, 11/2007-02/2009 (Completed);

EU Project, "Governance, Policies and Legal Conditions for Access to Market through Extended and Dynamic Clusters", Researcher, 08/2006-07/2008 (Completed).


学术获奖及资格 (Awards and Qualifications)










2012,Institute of Competition Law, Concurrences Thesis Award (shortlisted);



2007,Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, IRO Doctoral Scholarship;








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